CodeIgniter PHP Framework is one that is very popular today, because it provides the framework needs a simple standard data processing. Associated with ease, we also facilitated when we'll do join two or more tables.
In this case I will join explaining the use of join in Active Record provided by CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter join type used is the type of join ON. We assume there are 3 pieces table named paket_pekerjaan, areas and periods. This coding is below.
function selectAll(){
return $this->db->get('paket_pekerjaan')->result();
If we use Active Record, so this query is below
select p.Kode_Pkt_Pekerjaan, p.Nama_Pkt_Pkrjaan, p.Nilai,b.nama_bidang, q.Nama_Periode
FROM paket_pekerjaan p
JOIN bidang b
ON(p.id_bidang = b.id_bidang)
JOIN periode q
ON(p.id_periode = q.id_periode)
That's about join 2 or more tables in CodeIgniter Framework. If what I wrote above coding error or wrong please send comments via the comments box below. Thank you and good luck :2thumbup
07 Oktober 2012
join table
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